Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and Its Many Uses: How Can You Benefit?

If you haven't yet heard of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, don't worry, you're not alone.  This cutting-edge technology isn't widely understood or made accessible in our conventional health care system, so most people aren't aware of its profound applications and endless benefits. Not just yet, that is. Imagine being able to address numer...

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Art Therapy and Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) Therapy: The Art and Science of Integrative Mental Health Modalities

All human beings seek relief from suffering caused by past wounds, whether they be physical, mental, or emotional in nature. From a mind-body perspective and an integrative health approach, all types of trauma equally impact wellbeing, longevity, and quality of life. Integrative mental health services are becoming more widely practiced for deeper l...

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COVID-19 Assay Test

*Please note: at this time, a blood draw must be scheduled with the phlebotomist at TAO and this test is for patients of TAO only. If you would like to become a patient of TAO, please call 860.228.1287 or learn more online. The COVID-19 Assay test detects IgM and IgG antibodies to COVID-19. This test is distinct from the PCR culture (nasal swab) te...

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At-Home COVID-19 Fingerprick test now available

COVID-19 FINGERSTICK TEST $199 The COVID-19 fingerstick is a simple, easy, at-home test that can be done in the comfort in your own home and is a great solution for telemedicine patients. Ship overnight to the lab facility and get results within 24-48 hours of receipt. How to Order Your At-Home TestCall 860.228.1287 to set up an office or Telemedic...

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COVID-19 continues to impact our local and global economy, health, and way of life as we know it. While it is easy to respond from fear, there is an opportunity to be proactive towards better health. There are measures we can take for increased resilience against coronavirus, not only in the interim but for long-term wellbeing. According to the WHO...

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KMB Labs – Coronavirus Home Test Kit Instructions

New to TAO? Click here to fill out new patients intake form or call 860.228.1287 Please see our cancellation policy here and  our list of insurance providers here 


Natural Ways to Build a Strong Immune System

Whether you’re a frontline worker or working from home while trying to homeschool three kids, it is more important than ever to stay healthy and operating on all cylinders. Botton line: your life needs you healthy. While there is no magic pill to ward off illness, there are a few tried-and-true ways to keep your immune system humming:

Eat More Fruits & Veggies

Your mother has been telling you to eat more fruits and veggies since you were too short to ride rollercoasters. As it turns out, there might have been some science behind all of mom’s nagging.

Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and beans are nutrient-dense and rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help decrease inflammation which has been linked to a myriad of chronic health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and obesity.5

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We all envision living a long and healthy life, symptom and disease-free. Yet the reality is that most of us suffer from some pervasive health issues or chronic illnesses. There is a solution, however. If you are like many people who are not seeing results using conventional medicine alone, consider naturopathic medicine.

How Are Naturopathic Doctors Different From Traditional Doctors?

Naturopaths are trained in all of the basic medical sciences that standard medical doctors are trained in. However, naturopathic physicians artfully blend modern, cutting-edge diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures with ancient methods.  They design individualized treatment plans integrating both traditional health care wisdom and the latest evidence-based research in order to restore, maintain, and optimize health naturally using a whole-person approach.

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Parents are used to juggling it all -- personal commitments, work schedules, their kid’s school, and social schedules, helping with homework and preparing meals that hopefully support their children’s learning.

Although it’s a different world now with hybrid learning, limited social engagements to manage, parents are feeling a different kind of stress in having to navigate safety precautions and manage their child’s education in a new way (especially if they have to go back to work this fall).  

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A Natural Approach to Spring Allergies

Spring is finally here!

While we all enjoy the warmth, sunshine, and blossoming trees and flowers, springtime also means allergy season is upon us. Especially in the wake of COVID-19, we may be extra cautious about symptoms of immune reactivity, as seen in allergic responses to environmental pollens. Thankfully, there are multiple ways to decrease inflammation at the root cause of bothersome seasonal allergies. Using simple, natural strategies can have a positive impact on your immune response overall for greater protection against viruses and other pathogenic infections, and for reducing allergies so many of us suffer from this time of year.

Immune System Health relies on Gut Health

All health begins in the gut — even that relating to allergies. Supporting proper GI function is essential to all inflammatory conditions, for boosting immune function, and decreasing reactive symptoms such as seasonal allergies. In fact, more than 70% of our immune system lies in our digestive tract.

How can we support our GI health?

Eliminating inflammatory and reactive foods, determining individual food sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances, including healing anti-inflammatory foods, supporting proper digestion and absorption, reducing environmental toxins from water, food, personal and home products, chemicals, etc., identifying hidden infections and pathogens, rebalancing a dysbiotic (unbalanced) microbiome, repairing the integrity, healing, and regeneration of the gut lining, and cultivating a healthy mindset and nervous system rebalancing to support our rest and digest function will all work synergistically to improve our gut health — and overall health, including resilience against things such as environmental pollens and other allergy-related factors.

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COVID-19 Update: Supplements to Suppress Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines BEFORE Late-Stage Severe Coronavirus Infection Sets In

Patients with severe COVID-19 infection can develop fatal lung damage from a cytokine storm, a marked increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines such as Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), Interleukin-1 beta (ILB1), Interleukin-6 (IL6), Interleukin-8 (IL8) and other cytokines 

The following supplements can help to suppress the multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines that cause severe lung damage (ARDS) in patients with COVID-19 infection caused by coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2.

NOTE: Sambucus Nigra (Elderberry):

There is evidence that elderberry inhibits replication and viral attachment of Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63), different than COVID-19, but a member of the coronavirus family. (1). Sambucus appears most effective in the prevention or early stage of coronavirus infections. Sambucus significantly increases inflammatory cytokines, including IL-B1 so it should be discontinued with symptoms of infection (or a positive test) despite its ability to decrease TNF-alpha.

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When Traditional Doctors Can't Find A Solution

It’s an all-too-common scenario. You’ve been suffering from a cocktail of vague and seemingly unrelated symptoms for months, even years now…fatigue, brain fog, aches and pains, memory loss, poor sleep, low libido, weight gain, food cravings, mood issues like anxiety or depression, skin rashes, hormone imbalances, headaches, or digestive problems. You finally make an appointment with your doctor to get some answers (that Dr. Google can’t provide), only to be given a mere 15 minutes to rattle off your laundry list of complaints, desperate for some validation. You’re given a prescription or two and sent home with the discomforting assessment that what you’re experiencing is “just a part of normal life” due to genetics or aging. You leave feeling defeated, hopeless, and frustrated. Perhaps you then go from doctor to doctor, only to be told that you’re fine, there’s nothing wrong, and even worse…it’s all in your head.

Or, perhaps you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, IBS, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, a reproductive issue, or an autoimmune disease. You are told the unsettling news that you can’t reverse the condition -- you simply have to take medication to manage it for the rest of your life and hope it doesn’t get worse.

NOW WHAT? What to do if you feel like you are out of options

While these kinds of predicaments are common, they don’t have to be “normal”. The good news is that while suffering from health issues seems isolating, you’re not alone. The better news is that there are solutions to identify and address the reasons why you’re suffering – because there are actual reasons.

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Stress is simply part of being human. We all know what stress feels like -- but do we really understand what it does to our body? Or what to do about it?

Chances are, most of us are in denial, internalizing the cultural mantra to “just deal with it” or “push through”. While this does a lot to help our to-do list, it also does a lot to hurt our health. Statistics show that up to 80% of all doctor visits and 50% of all illnesses are stress-related.

In regard to health concerns amidst a pandemic, reducing stress and managing our perception of stress are powerful factors in immune resilience and influence how our body handles a viral threat. Hormones released during stress increase inflammation and suppress the immune system, leaving us more vulnerable to pathogens.

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Effective Ways to Support Health and Optimize Immune Your System in Colder Weather

Heading into a change in season means implementing ways to support immune function in an effort to prevent viral threats from compromising our wellbeing. Now is the time to focus even more on the essentials -- good sleep, proper nutrition, supplementing with immune-boosting nutrients, managing stress, and extra self-care measures including integrative therapies.
For your convenience and peace of mind, TAO Vitality continuse to see patients virtually through our telehealth platforms for naturopathic doctor appointments, mental health services, and nutrition consultations. Supplements can also be ordered online and resources are available to guide you in the ongoing effort to include the latest integrative healing therapies into your lifestyle practices.
TAO offers a variety of cutting-edge therapies such as HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy), Infrared Sauna, HRV assessment and BrainTap Technology, Acupuncture, and Massage Therapy. These integrative healing therapies target sources of inflammation and mental, emotional, and physiological stress that collectively contribute to the emergence of and worsening symptoms of infections while boosting the immune system and improving overall health.
Contact our office to schedule appointments or call us at 860-228-1287 for more information.
This article is for educational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. To the extent that this article features the advice of physicians or medical practitioners, the views expressed are the views of the cited expert and do not necessarily represent the views of TAO Vitality or Lymecore Botanicals.


Medical Research Studies Say Essential Vitamin D May Reduce Your Risk of COVID-19

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Most people don't think about sunshine or gut health when they are considering how to stay safe from contracting viral threats. As a lot continues to change in the health world, it’s also time to adapt our ways of thinking about how to optimize immune resilience.

 Surprisingly enough, our body internally manufactures one of the main nutrients to bolster our immune system -- Vitamin D.

With a new wave of Coronavirus cases and increased concerns for our safety as winter approaches, new research is indicating that supplementing with vitamin D may be a key factor in keeping us resilient and healthy.

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Will Elderberry Induce a Cytokine Storm?

"Elderberry is one of the most used, and most trusted immune support botanicals in the integrative medicine repertoire. But there has been a lot of discussion within online clinician forums on whether elderberry could or would induce a cytokine storm if used during an infection where that is the risk. I'd like to share my perspective based on the r...

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A Message From Dr. Myriah Hinchey, Founder and Medical Director of Tao

 We're Here For You As the owner and Medical Director of TAO, I just wanted to reassure you that we are here for you in whatever capacity you need us. From keeping up to date with the latest information regarding COVID-19 to providing you with simple at-home techniques to reduce stress and boost your immune system, to general vitamin/herbal su...

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