Use your own PRP to reduce signs of aging and stimulate collagen production for a more youthful appearance. Your own PRP can be used with an additional filler to addresses issues such as:

  • lines & wrinkles
  • sun damage
  • scars
  • tone & texture
  • lost volume

What is a Vampire® Facelift?

Combining the science of PRP and Hyaluronic acid fillers, the Vampire Facelift® produces uni-potent stem cells that offer a customized designer procedure to reverse the signs of aging more effectively and for longer than alternative procedures. As this is non-surgical and non-invasive, the recovery time is much quicker and easier. You will see immediate results, and these will only improve over time.

Creator of the Vampire procedures, Dr. Charles Runels, explains the science behind the signature Vampire® Facelift.

About the Procedure:

To start the procedure, one of our qualified PRP providers draws the patient’s blood and uses a centrifuge to isolate the plasma rich platelets and growth factors using an FDA approved method. Once these growth factors are injected with a very small needle into the facial skin (which has been numbed to reduce pain), multipotent stem cells are stimulated and start to create new tissue. Collagen is contained in the new tissue, along with new fat for a smoother look.

Some of the major benefits that patients have experienced after receiving the Vampire Facelift® include:

  • Considerable improvement to facial skin color and texture
  • Effective reduction of wrinkles
  • Increased production of collagen, resulting in smoother skin
  • Elimination of dark circles under the eyes and other places
  • Virtually no downtime or recovery required
  • Instantly improves the aesthetic qualities of skin and reduces the effects of aging considerably – all without disrupting your life

Lasting Results:

Although the official note on how long the effects of the Vampire Facelift® last is about one year, there have been various cases where patients have experienced great effects for at least 2 years.

The great thing about the Vampire Facelift® is that for patients that want to continue to experience the benefits and for those effects to improve even more, it can be safely administered every 6 months.

As well as continuing to maintain the positive results of the treatment itself, regular Vampire Facelift® treatments also keep collagen levels high and even increase them.